Casting Director / Story Development                                                                                                                                                           Research and develop narrative and content based on real people for broadcast

Sprite “Obey Your Thirst” campaign featuring the passions of young people. Director: Steve Miller; Production Company: Radical Media: Agency: O&M.

IBM/The Olympic Games campaign highlighting unique athletes. Director: Lenny Dorfman; Production Company: Radical Media: Agency: Oglivy & Mather

NBC Special campaign highlighting teens views on their futures. Director: Randy Pyburn; Production Company: Pyburn Films

IBM/The Olympic Games campaign highlighting unique athletes. Director: Lenny Dorfman; Production Company: Radical Media: Agency: Oglivy & Mather

Levi’s “What’s True” campaign highlighting real people. Director: Erroll Morris. Production Company: Radical Media. Agency: O&M

Nike in-house films highlighting stories about New York athletes. Director Lenny Dorfman. Production Company: Radical Media

Powerade campaign highlighting athletes. Production Company: Radical Media.

Levi’s “What’s True” campaign highlighting real people. Director: Erroll Morris. Production Company: Radical Media. Agency: O&M

Nike in-house films highlighting stories about New York athletes. Lenny Dorfman. Production Company: Radical Media.

American Express Small Business campaign featuring unique companies. Director: Ralph Schmerberg; Production Company: Radical Media: Agency: O & M